I wanted this blog to be 95% scrap related and 5% personal related. What happened?! Pretty much I stopped making stuff. The only thing I've scrapped in the last seven weeks was the April album and Scrapfest classes for American Crafts. Ay yi yi. I need motivation to get scrapping again. Hoping it finds me soon.
So instead what you get is a whole lotta photos on the ole bloggo. Here come the weekend snapshots...
Friday I got to have breakfast with Chloe and it was definitely a roll out + wear bed head/a wrinkled t-shirt/sunglasses/red lipstick kind of morning for me. Blahness. But that night I actually brushed my hair, put on some eyeliner and headed to the LIC for D's birthday party. I love this photo for the complete unprepared randomness on our faces... "hmmm what is that black box thing with lights and a flash that Missy is pointing at us?!" On Saturday I met up with Wonderful Jennifer and her daughter Kay to gobble down Shake Shack (which we didn't get to do last time Jen was in town and heaven knows a trip to visit me in NYC that doesn't include the Shack doesn't actually count) (kind of like that whole tree falling in a forest thing, you know) in Mad Square Park. Then thanks to Jennifer, we all went to see "Wicked." I've seen it years ago in Chicago and it was incredible! I fully admit to tearing up at the end of "Defying Gravity" (if I don't get chills from the music + singing at a Broadway show it doesn't actually count either, I think.) This afternoon was spent on my friend Missy's 1st Ever Candy Tour, where 10 of us followed her to some really awesome candy shops around the city. It was kind of brilliant. This evening I met up with Jennifer and Kay after they saw "Promises Promises" and we got up close + personal to Sean Hayes. I've seen a lot of celebs around New York and he was by far the most gracious to his fans. Adorable.
I also saw The A-Team on Saturday night and have to say I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would! Great summer movie. And let me just slip this in there... Bradley Cooper. Mmmm yeah. Go see it.
And Happy Father's Day to my Dad!!!
My Dad does not appreciate having his photo taken.
However, I think he is the best and certainly do appreciate him driving me to East Lansing so I can get my Sparty on for an afternoon. Thanks, Dad.